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How 'hidden gem' Hudson is attracting new jobs, businesses to the area

The town in Northwest Pasco is prime for companies looking to relocate. We speak to leaders about growth potential, jobs and the demand for project-ready sites.

HUDSON, Fla. — Hudson is what some may call a hidden gem. The area has a very diverse community with everything from farms to subdivisions and even the beach. 

It is why local leaders, like Bill Cronin, President and CEO of Pasco’s Economic Development Council, are using the area’s landscape to attract new business and keep people within the community. 

“Pasco for the longest time has had people that are commuting out of the county to find jobs,” Cronin said.

In Hudson, that commute could soon be changing for some. 

“I’m happy to say we have some really good jobs coming out of this part of Pasco County,” he said.  

With hundreds of acres available, two of Pasco’s ready sites are in Hudson. These are locations that are ready for business and marketed nationally to companies. Pasco’s lower cost of living, its centralized location and skilled workforce are just some of the reasons other companies have already made the move.

With new jobs and businesses comes the infrastructure needed to support the area. It's why the Florida Department of Transportation is working on several projects, including several widening, resurfacing and safety improvements to accommodate this growing portion of Tampa Bay.

The available land is also perfect for home builders. 

“It’s kind of the best of both worlds for us right now,” Cronin said. “Hudson, of course, still has some large lot sizes and the people who want the white picket fence or want to have more than an acre are able to do so here. That's unheard of in a lot of places in our region.”

For the people who already live in Hudson, there’s a prospect of finding new opportunities close to home.

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